So per usual on my day off I went to the dump or as it is officially known, the transfer station. At the transfer station is a little building where people leave stuff and where people take stuff. This building is known as the swap shop. I'm a big fan of the swap shop. I've been going pretty much every week and hadn't really hit on anything big. A cool old atlas here, some quaint old jars there. Today was different. Today I got ... drum roll .... a sewing machine! And it works! I am SO excited. I've been wanting my own sewing machine and was thinking how much it was going to suck when I didn't live close to home and couldn't use my mom's. But now I don't have to worry about that. It's an old Singer (not too old, but pretty old) and I'll be using it to make journals, blankets, pillows, purses, etc. Maybe I'll venture into clothes. Clothes = Patterns and I don't own any patterns yet.