Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The day started off at the PIT (People's Improv Theater) a few blocks from our building.  We went over basic orientation stuff and got tickets to see a show called "The First Time" this Friday.  A bunch of us went on a bus tour that we also got tickets for.  We saw the first cancer hospital, Columbia University, Trump International Tower, the largest gothic cathedral in the world ...

We had to cut the bus tour short though because of advisor meetings at the building.  We learned about our seminar.  It starts tomorrow with an artist lecture on Surveillance as a Narrative Device in the Motion Pictures of the Rufus Corporation by Eve Sussman at the Frick Museum.

After that I continued to read Breaking Dawn and then stopped for dinner.  We had a party of sorts with everyone in the basement with delicious sandwiches, fruit, veggies, cheese crackers, desserts....basically I took extra to put in my room for tomorrow's lunch.

Speaking of tomorrow - I start one of my two internships tomorrow.  I also will be having an interview at the Morgan Lehman Gallery sometime this week.